wow how we can have that ahh haa moment at any time in our lives amazes me. To me they are gift of grace that we have done nothing to receive!!

I have a wonderful human trait that i can't shake, I want to know the unknowable for a certainty!!(funny but it's true) I get into a state of mind almost like some one in a  drug craving search for their drug of choice, looking for TRUTH!!! surfing the internet for hours on different religious sites looking for spiritual TRUTH(i now find this funny now too!!!)

this is something i now deal with like an addiction when i find myself "surfing for God" i have to just get firm with myself and stop myself and remember a few things that seems to help:

1.) someone telling me to remember: God is.(period) not God is?(question mark)

2.) dont put a question mark where god has put a period 

3.) this one is the most important for me and that is to respect, honor, and learn to enjoy the mystery of life. if it were possible for me to know the all knowing God then i would be god and that's not possible. so in somethings i have to remember the opposite of #2 don't try to put a period period where god has put a question mark!!!

Views: 125

Comment by Forrest Curo on 10th mo. 22, 2011 at 10:32pm

It does depend on what you mean by "knowing" God... I would say that's less like "knowing" algebra and more like "knowing" your parents.


And it also depends on what you mean by "being God." And what you mean by "you."


If you ever decide you "know" "what God is"-- at least, whatever it is you'd know "if you knew that"... It is self-evident that this "God" 'something' must have been with you all your life. "He was in this place but I didn't know!"


But there's still this element of "more or less." You might say you know a person; and yet you can still find out things about them you'd never known before. You may suddenly change how you think about them. But does this mean you "didn't know" them?-- or would you call that coming to know them better?

Comment by Paula Deming on 10th mo. 23, 2011 at 4:51pm
Theology, philosophy, AND punctuation, all at once. My dream thread. ;D


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