This morning at meeting for worship a toddler reminded me of an experience that I knew as a child and was reintroduced to by my daughter. It seems I need a remedial lesson.

Beatrix, our newest attender, has just learned to pull herself to a standing position. She approaches the world with awe and wonder. Her aim to touch, taste and explore. She does so with absolute trust. She celebrates with squeals and hands beating a rhythm on a nearby chair. Fearless, she crawls forward unaware of sharp corners that are always at forehead level. As she nears one of those corners, a hand of the nearest Friend reaches down to protect and redirect.

For Beatrix, this is the moment of creation and bounty.

As we grow older we loose that sense of awe. We become jaded. We no longer trust so completely. We no longer celebrate with abandon. We still head full tilt toward metaphorical corners.

How can we remain open to the Still, Small Voice? Can we be reborn into a state of awe and wonder? How do our faith communities support and redirect us as we veer off course in our relationship with God? Do we know how to celebrate Creation?

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