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funnel101's Discussions

Buddhist and Quaker

Started this discussion. Last reply by Cris Fugate 11th month 7, 2022. 102 Replies


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Cris Fugate liked funnel101's discussion Buddhist and Quaker
11th month 7, 2022
Cris Fugate replied to funnel101's discussion 'Buddhist and Quaker'
"When you say that you took bodhisattva vows I am assuming that is Zen. It seems that the modern interpretation of Zen is as a philosophy and practice, not a religion. However, I am a Pureland Buddhist and it is very much a religion for me. Although…"
11th month 7, 2022
Cris Fugate replied to funnel101's discussion 'Buddhist and Quaker'
"I think it depends on how Christian and how Buddhist you are. As a devout Pureland Buddhist I think of Jesus as a wise person, but not my savior. I have been a minister assistant in a Pureland temple, but I have grown to think of Asian Buddhist…"
11th month 7, 2022

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About Me
I'm a happily married, disabled, Buddhist, Quaker, freelance web designer who has 5 cats and enjoys learning, reading, and bellydancing.
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Pertinent Quotes

"If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain."

Emily Dickinson


"And so I find it well to come
For deeper rest to this still room,
For here the habit of the soul
Feels less the outer world's control;
The strength of mutual purpose pleads
More earnestly our common needs;
And from the silence multiplied
By these still forms on either side,
The world that time and sense have known
Falls off and leaves us God alone."

John Greenleaf Whittier


"There was an ocean of darkness and death; but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness. In that also I saw the infinite love of God."

George Fox


"Most people are afraid of suffering. But suffering is a kind of mud to help the lotus flower grow. There cannot be a lotus flower without the mud."
Thich Nhat Hanh

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Funnel101's Blog

Bi-religious Duality

Posted on 4th mo. 27, 2013 at 5:51pm 0 Comments

There’s often an underlying tension when one professes to be a member of two religions. There’s the constant challenge of “Well, how can you be both X and Y?” And often one avoids answering the question by either outright ignoring it or starting a long convoluted explanation about how even though these two religions seem to have differences, they’re really not all that different when all is said and done.

Except sure they are, or you wouldn’t find it necessary to be part of…


The Return

Posted on 12th mo. 8, 2011 at 5:30pm 2 Comments

It’s funny: I’ve had this blog title floating around in my head for months now. I thought the title was going to be referring to my return to Meeting for Worship after my hip surgery.

It’s not, though: it’s about my return to Jesus.

Five years ago, I began an annual tradition of reading the New Testament, starting on Christmas and finishing by the end of Lent. Two years ago, after I finished my annual reading, I felt that I was being called to take a break. I…


Thoughts on Dually-Affiliated Friends

Posted on 7th mo. 26, 2011 at 5:00pm 7 Comments

I’ve always felt a certain discomfort about Nontheist Friends and other dually-affiliated Friends. (But, you protest, aren’t you a dually-affiliated Friend?? Yes, but I don’t identify as a Buddhist Quaker or a Quaker Buddhist: I am both a Buddhist and a Quaker.) Some of this discomfort about Nontheist Friends stemmed from preconceptions I, as a theist* (more on that later), had. A few weeks ago, I joined a Nontheist Friends Google group. At the time, I was questioning my belief in…


The Future of Quakerism

Posted on 6th mo. 22, 2011 at 7:45pm 0 Comments

I often think that we Quakers don’t give ourselves enough credit. We liberal Quakers look at our diminishing numbers and fret about whether our religion is going to be in existence in 100 years or whether our Meetings will just die out. What I think doesn’t get talked about enough is how Quaker ideas have spread into general society.


Read the rest of the post here.

"Only Breath" by Rumi (as translated by Coleman Barks)

Posted on 2nd mo. 19, 2011 at 3:30pm 0 Comments

Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu

Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion

or cultural system. I am not from the East

or the West, not out of the ocean or up

from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not

composed of elements at all. I do not exist,

am not an entity in this world or in the next,

did not descend from Adam and Eve or any

origin story. My place is placeless, a trace

of the traceless. Neither body or…


Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 9:27pm on 2nd mo. 9, 2013, Hilda said…

Dear friend, thanks for accepting my invitation! I love cats so so much!!! and feel truly grateful to find another cat lover! I sent two cats I was fond of to a no kill house because we have so many,then later regretted it hoping nobody unkind adopts them.I don't suppose there is any way of getting them back unless we pay an adoption fee now? I keep worrying about them- they were lovable housecats but maybe you have a suggestion? Hope to hear from you as time allows. your friend, Hilda

At 9:23pm on 2nd mo. 9, 2013, Timothy said…

Sorry I have not commented at all, pray, forgive. I wish to thank thee, for accepting the friend invitation! I have had a lot of difficulties lately, thus my terrible delay. Thank thee so kindly. I hope to get to know thee better in the coming weeks and months!!! <3:):)

Thy Friend in the Light,


At 2:37am on 6th mo. 22, 2011, james said…
thanks for being my friend :)    i'm new to this website.  i love your  discussion about buddhism.  i study zen myself.  quaker welcome :)

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