Dear friends,
This question was posed to me over twenty
years ago and it has served my growth in God very well over the years since.
Are you able to '
eat the meat and spit out the bones?'
For so long I was stunted in my ability to grow due to judgment of others (the 'l
og in your own eye' syndrome!). Especially those is leadership. I would be going along fine with what they were saying and then suddenly they would say that one thing that I would disagree with. That one thing that I just could not get over. And know how it goes, the old 'throw the baby out with the bath water' routine.
I would loose everything that was being shared that was good for me just because of that one thing I disagreed with. Or that one thing I saw in their life that didn't line up.
Until I heard a christian lady ask this question. Suddenly I realized all the good spiritual meals I had missed because I was choking on the bones. I resolved then and there to try to eat the meat and spit out the bones. To receive into myself those things which I recognized as truth
and good for my own growth. And not to enter into judgment over things which I have no right to anyway. I choose to spit out the bones now, not to chew on them.
Whether it is with leaders or individuals this has served me well in looking to the good things and avoiding judgment of others.
Is judgment of others something which you have struggled with? What have been the tools with which you have gained victory? Share your experiences on the subject of negative judgment and how it has affected your life and growth in Christ, now or in the past.
Peace to all,
Nanna Kapp